End of Life Care
Palliative Care
End of Life care
People with serious illnesses who have been determined to have six months or less to live if the disease runs its normal course.
Who can receive care?
Palliative Care
People of any age, at any stage of a serious illness, who are seeking relief from pain and symptoms.
End of Life care
Pain and symptom management available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
A customized plan of care
Emotional and spiritual support for patient and family
Teaching and coaching for caregivers
Medications, supplies, equipment
Assistance with accessing community resources and navigating the healthcare system
Grief support for family
What services are provided?
Palliative Care
Pain and symptom management
A customized plan of care
Access to care team via telephone
Help with understanding the disease and diagnosis while clarifying treatment goals and options
Assistance with navigating the healthcare system
End of Life care
Medicare (Part A) Hospice Benefit
Most private insurances
VA Benefits
How are services paid for?
Palliative Care
Medicare (Part B)
Most private insurances
VA Benefits
End of Life care
Hospice Physician
Primary Care Physician
Registered Nurse & Certified Nurses Aides
Licensed Clinical Social Workers
Bereavement Team
Trained Volunteers
Who provides these services?
Palliative Care
Palliative Care Providers
Advanced Practice Nurse
End of Life care
Anywhere that the patient calls home. This includes private residences, nursing homes, and care facilities.
Where is care provided?
Palliative Care
Care can be provided at home, an assisted living facility, or nursing home.
End of Life care
Not usually.
The focus of end of life care is on comfort, rather than curing, and enhancing quality of life.
Can treatments still be provided to cure the illness?
Palliative Care
You may receive symptom management and curative treatments at the same time.
End of Life care
As long as the patient continues to meet the hospice criteria of a terminal illness.
How long is care provided?
Palliative Care
This depends on a patient’s care needs.